2009.06.05. 21:21

Here is our famous HIPPIE CALCULATOR system during our trip:

Let’s count a free beer as 1 unit alias 1 points

sleeping on street 2 point

sleeping on tree 5 points

swimming in river 2point

swimming in fountain 4 point

brushing teeth on tramway 1 point


      bus, tramway 1point

trolley (because we are afraid of that, and there are nowhere anyway) 24 points

underground 5 points

ferry 20 points

train 10 points

bicycle 13 points

taxi -1 points

airplane 100 points

museum 8 points

concert 10 points

zoo17 points

vomiting 6points

vomiting into toilet + 2 points

vomiting into bed + 3 points

vomiting into sink + 4 points

vomiting on public transport 9points

sleeping in vomit 10 points

house party 12points

sleeping at foreign girl 19 points ( black girl x1.5)

in the same bed + 6 points

pushing her out of the bed + 2 points

beeing intimate with her (alias petting) 22 points

having sex with her (bang bang) 30 points

over 85 kilos, for each 5 kilos -5 points

sleeping at foreign guy 3 points

in the same bed - 10 points

pushing him out of the bed  12 points

beeing intimate with him (alias petting) -40 points

having sex with himdisqualification forever

falling in love 43 points

falling in love for more then 2 days 54 points

sleeping at nun 18 points

in the same bed 46 points

pushing her out of the bed 93points

  it’s not allowed to do anything else with her

sleeping in a squat 11points

every hitchhiking 1 points

travelling in the beck of the car + 5 points

over 200km/h + 3 points

over 220km/h + 10 points

turkish driver + 2 points

listening turkish pop music, per hour 10 points

drunk driver + 20 points

disabled driver + 40 points

more then 500km in one car +50 points

more then 1000km in one car +100 points

police stoppage 4points

sleeping in jail 31points

fined by police 20points

beaten by police 40points

beaten by skinheads 19points

beaten by blacks 23points

beaten by girls 37points

beaten by each other 17points

not accepting drugs 2points

accepting drugs 22 points

free dinner 8points

free coffee, snack, chewing gum, red bull 2 points

meeting a hungarian 3points

meeting a familiar 23points

meeting a celebrity 26points

meeting Chuck Nurris 68points

if he throw us into the sun + 100 000points

making money by street music 16points

making money by dancing +3points

making money using our body 9points

making money by looking miserable 2points

having an apple for breakfast 2points

drinking milk 4points

drinking milk from udder of cow 21points

drinking milk from udder of reindeer in Lappland 89 points

eating squirrel 34points

setting fire in a protected area in the nauture 9points

shuffle the selective rubbish bin in Switzerland 67points

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