Plan of dreams dream of plans

2009.06.05. 21:15



On the sunny morning of June 8, we are going to begin our great hithhiking andventure called Stophopp 2009 by drinking a hot mug of  100% freshly ground arabica coffee on the top of the Mountain Gellert in Budapest. Our program guidebook has just come out of the printer so enjoy it, it’s still warm and fresh:



June 7 SUNDAY – Stophopp eve

Getting drunk the day before the trip commence is oblious like getting drunk every day. So we would not miss it. The scene is Budapest our loved capital city, we are going to sleep somewhere on the mountain Gellért, brush our teeth on the tramway no. 6, bathing in the Danube.


JuneMONDAY Bratislava, Prague

After our traditional coffee in the morning, we are targeting the place used to call Ostyapenko which was a cultic hitchhiking spot in Budapest. Thumb up and soon we are going to be in Prague, after swimming a bit in the Danube of Bratislava. At night we are planning to sleep at the same place like five years ago when we were young and hopeless. Somewhere in the green. We will not forget jumping into the Moldva.


June 9 TUESDAY –  Drezda

Using our magic thumb we are arriving to Drezden, the city of dreams and stasi agents of Eastern Germany.


June 10-13 WED-SAT- Berlin

The capital city of Germany and dreams and love and the beatiful German language and the more beautiful German girls haha and all these stuffs not to mention their kreative football style require a four-day-journey..By the way we are going to jump into every river of every capital city of Europe, did i say?


June 14-15 SUNDAY MONDAY Varsó

Scientific research in the Polish capital city, looking for the answer of the ethernal question, whether the Polish girls are beatiful or just fat as the two parties state.

Counting Polish Plombers.

June 15-16 TUE WED Vilnius

It took more then one year to comply my promise that I have to visit my friends in Lithuania.. It is going to be fun!


June 17 THU (FRI) Riga

Short sightseeing in this little town with this weird name. If it is really that beautiful as they say, we are ready to stay more then one day, we have time. Actually this is the only thing we have.



Oops is this city where these lovely hobbits live? We are going to check it and improve our famous Estonian knowlegde.



In the name of the Hungarian-Finnish language fraternity we are going to take a ferry and risk the seasick to visit the counrty of the lakes and dreams and peace and love and unity. The adventure is starting after the long warm-up: we are planning to hitchhike up to the North sleeping with the reeindeers and kick Santa Claus’s arse.

So this is the first part of the journey so far, the details of the second part is locked in a super secret safe somewhere in Stockholm so you have to wait.


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